


UK terminology

US terminology


approx. 3.75 in / 9.5 cm height
approx. 2.5 in / 6.3 cm width


- sport weight mercerized cotton yarn: navy, blue

- size C (2.75mm) crochet hook

- yarn needle (for weaving in ends)

- scissors or other yarn cutting tool

- 2 buttons, 7/16 in (11mm)

- needle and thread (navy thread, if possible)


ch = chain

sl st = slip stitch

sc = single crochet

BLO = Back Loops Only

sts = stitches


1 square inch (2.5 square cm) = 8 stitches, 7 rows


When working with two colors, you will be working over the color not being used.

When changing color, finish the last stitch worked in the old color by pulling up a loop of the new color through the last two loops worked.



With blue yarn, ch 21.

Round 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across to last ch, 2 sc in last ch. Turn piece so that you are working in the backs of the chain, skip the chain you just made 2 sc in, sc in next ch and in each unworked ch to last ch, 2 sc in last ch. (40 sc)

Round 2: Sc in each sc around. (40 sc)

Round 3: Working in BLO, sc in each st around. (40 sc)

Round 4: Sc in each st around. (40 sc)

Begin working chart, right to left, bottom to top and come back to the instructions at Round 15. OR continue with the written instructions.



Begin working over top of navy yarn.

Rounds 5-6: Sc in each st around. (40 sc)

Round 7: *With blue sc 5. With navy sc 3. With blue sc 2. Repeat from * around. (40 sc)

Round 8: *With blue sc 4. With navy sc 5. With blue sc 1. Repeat from * around. (40 sc)

Round 9: *With blue sc 3. With navy sc 2. With blue sc 2. With navy sc 3. Repeat from * around. (40 sc)

Round 10: *With navy sc 1. With blue sc 3. With navy sc 2. With blue sc 2. With navy sc 2. Repeat from * around. (40 sc)

Round 11: *With navy sc 2. With blue sc 5. With navy sc 3. Repeat from * around. (40 sc)

Round 12: *With navy sc 3. With blue sc 3. With navy sc 4. Repeat from * around. (40 sc)

Rounds 13-14: Working over top of blue yarn, with navy sc in each st around. (40 sc)

Cut blue yarn flush (so that no “tail” of yarn is left sticking out).

Rounds 15-28 (14 rounds): Sc in each st around. (40 sc)

Round 29: Working in BLO, sc in each st around. (40 sc)

Now you will begin working in rows instead of rounds.

Row 1: Sc in each of next 21 sc. Ch 1, turn. (21 sc)

Rows 2-9 (8 rows): Sc in each of next 20 sc. Ch 1, turn. (20 sc)

Row 10: In this row you will make the button-holes. Sc in each of next 4 sc, ch 3, skip next 3 sc and sc in next st, sc in each of next 5 sts, ch 3, skip next 3 sc and sc in next st, sc in each of next 3 sts. Ch 1, turn. (14 sc, 2 ch-3 spaces)

Row 11: Sc in each sc, 3 sc in each ch-3 space across. Ch 1, turn. (20 sc)

Row 12: Sc in each sc across. (20 sc)

Fasten off.

Weave in any yarn ends.

Position the buttons and sew them in place.


Row 1: With back of wallet facing you, attach navy yarn in the unworked front loops made in Round 3 and sc 15 sc across – try to center the stitches as much as possible. Ch 1, turn.

Row 2: Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. (15 sc)

Repeat Row 2 until you reach the unworked front loops made in Round 29. For me, this was 24 rows (not including Row 1).

Insert hook into one unworked front loop and then into one stitch on the belt loop, yarn over and make a sl st by pulling up a loop through both sts. Continue until all sts have been worked.

Fasten off. Weave in any yarn ends.

You can now wear the wallet on a belt or make a wrist strap and wear it as a wrist wallet.




UK terminology

US terminology


approx. 7.5 in / 19 cm height (with base sitting flat on surface)
approx. 4 in / 10 cm diameter at bottom of bag


- sport weight mercerized cotton yarn: navy, black, white, brown, tan

- size C (2.75mm) crochet hook

- yarn needle (for weaving in ends)

- scissors or other yarn cutting tool

- wooden beads (optional)



ch = chain

sl st = slip stitch

sc = single crochet

dc = double crochet

sc2tog = single crochet 2 sts together

dc2tog = double crochet 2 sts together

BLO = Back Loops Only

sts = stitches


When working with two colors, you will be working over the color not being used.

When changing color, finish the last stitch worked in the old color by pulling up a loop of the new color through the last two loops worked.


With black yarn, ch 2. 6 sc into 2nd ch from hook.

Round 1: *2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (12 sc)

Place st marker in last st worked. Move st marker up for each round to keep track of where rounds begin and end.

Round 2: *Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (18 sc)

Round 3: *Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (24 sc)

Begin working over top of brown yarn.

Round 4: *Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (30 sc)

Round 5: *Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. Pull up a loop of brown yarn through last 2 loops worked in black yarn. (40 sc)

Round 6: With brown yarn *sc in each of next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (48 sc)

Round 7: *With brown 2sc in next st. With black sc in each of next 5 sts. Repeat from * around. (56 sc)

Round 8: *With brown 2sc in next st, sc in next st. With black sc in each of next 5 sts. Repeat from * around. (64 sc)

Round 9: *With brown sc in next st, 2sc in next st, sc in each of next 2 sts. With black sc in each of next 3 sts. With brown sc in next st. Repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 10: *With brown sc in each of next 5 sts. With black sc in each of next 3 sts. With brown sc in next st. Repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 11: *With brown [2 sc in next st, sc in each of next 2 sts]twice. With black sc in next st. With brown sc in each of next 2 sts. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 12: *With brown sc in each of next 8 sts. With black sc in next st. With brown sc in each of next 2 sts. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 13: With brown sc in each st around. (84 sc)

Cut black yarn flush (so that no “tail” of yarn is left sticking out).

Round 14: Sc through BLO of each st around. (84 sc)

Begin working over top of navy yarn.

Round 15: At this point, I realized I had 88 sts instead of 84. Not sure if I made a mistake or what. If you have 84 sts, work one round sc in each st around. If you have 88 sts, work: *Sc2tog, sc in each of next 20 sts, repeat from * around. If you have a different number than either 84 or 88, just decrease or increase evenly around so that you end up with 84 total.

Begin working chart, right to left, bottom to top and come back to the instructions at Round 51. OR continue with the written instructions.

Round 16: *With navy sc 1. With brown sc 5. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 17: *With navy sc 2. With brown sc 4. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 18: *With navy sc 3. With brown sc 3. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 19: *With navy sc 4. With brown sc 2. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 20: *With navy sc 5. With brown sc 1. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 21: With navy sc in each st around. (84 sc)

Cut brown yarn flush.

Rounds 22-24: Sc in each st around. (84 sc)

Begin working over top of tan yarn.

Round 25: With navy sc in each st around. (84 sc)

Round 26: *With tan sc 2. With navy sc 4. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 27: *With navy sc 1. With tan sc 2. With navy sc 3. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 28: *With navy sc 2. With tan sc 2. With navy sc 2. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 29: *With navy sc 3. With tan sc 2. With navy sc 1. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 30: *With navy sc 2. With tan sc 2. With navy sc 2. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 31: *With navy sc 1. With tan sc 2. With navy sc 3. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 32: *With tan sc 2. With navy sc 4. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Rounds 33-40: Repeat Rounds 25-32. (84 sc)

Round 41: With navy sc in each st around. (84 sc)

Cut tan yarn flush.

Rounds 42-44: Sc in each st around. (84 sc)

Begin working over top of tan yarn again. (84 sc)

Round 45: Sc in each st around. (84 sc)

Round 46: *With tan sc 1. With navy sc 5. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 47: *With tan sc 2. With navy sc 4. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 48: *With tan sc 3. With navy sc 3. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 49: *With tan sc 4. With navy sc 2. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 50: *With tan sc 5. With navy sc 1. Repeat from * around. (84 sc)

Round 51: With tan sc in each st around. (84 sc)

Cut navy yarn flush.

Round 52: Sc in each st around. (84 sc)

Round 53: Ch 1, Working through BLO, *dc2tog, dc in each of next 4 sts, repeat from * around, sl st in top of first dc. (70 dc)

Rounds 54-57: Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in each st around, sl st in top of first dc. (70 dc)

Round 58: This is the eyelet round – the round where you will later thread the drawstring through. Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in next st, *ch 2, skip next 2 sts and dc in next st, dc in each of next 6 sts, repeat from * to last 3 sts, dc in each of next 3 sts, sl st in top of first dc. (54 dc, 8 ch-2 spaces)

Round 59: Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in each dc, 2 dc in each ch-2 space, sl st in top of first dc. (70 dc)

Rounds 60-61: Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in each st around, sl st in top of first dc. (70 dc)

Work one round reverse sc for a nice finished edge and fasten off.

Weave in any yarn ends.



Cut 2 lengths of brown yarn, measuring approx. 2 yards each (72 in / 183 cm).

Cut 2 lengths of black yarn, measuring approx. 2 yards each (72 in / 183 cm).

Holding all strands together, make a twisted cord. (You can find tutorials for this online.)

Thread the drawstring through the eyelet round.

If desired, add wooden beads to the drawstring.

Knot the ends and trim the yarn to be even.





 approx. 4 in / 10 cm wide
approx. 9 in / 23 cm tall (when top is unrolled)
approx. 6.5 in / 16.5 cm (when top is rolled)


- mercerized cotton yarn (sportweight): navy, black, light brown, medium brown

- size B (2.25mm) crochet hook

- yarn needle (for weaving in ends)

- scissors or other yarn cutting tool


ch = chain

sl st = slip stitch

sc = single crochet

dc = double crochet

dc2tog = double crochet 2 sts together

st / sts = stitch / stitches


When working with two colors, you will be working over the color not being used.

When changing color, finish the last stitch worked in the old color by pulling up a loop of the new color through the last two loops worked.




With medium brown, ch 31.

Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across. Ch 1, turn.

Row 2-5 (4 rows): Sc in each sc across. Ch 1, turn. (30 sc)

Row 6: Sc in each sc across. (30 sc)

Begin working in rounds.

Round 1: Sc 6 evenly down side of rows, sc 30 across, sc 6 evenly down side of rows, sc 30 across. (72 sc)

Place st marker in last st worked. Move st marker up for each round to keep track of where rounds begin and end.

Round 2: Sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Round 3: Begin working over top of black yarn. With medium brown yarn sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Pull up a loop of black yarn through the last 2 loops worked.

Begin working the chart, right to left, bottom to top and come back to the instructions at Round 40. OR continue with the written instructions.

Round 4: Work over top of medium brown yarn. With black sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Round 5: With medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 7, *with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 7, repeat from * to last 3 sts of round, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1. (72 sc)

Round 6: With medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 3, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 3, *with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 3, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 3, repeat from * to last 3 sts of round, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1. (72 sc)

Round 7: With medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 2, with black sc 3, with medium brown sc 2, *with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 2, with black sc 3, with medium brown sc 2, repeat from * to last 3 sts of round, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1. (72 sc)

Round 8: With medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 5, with medium brown sc 1, *with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 5, with medium brown sc 1, repeat from * to last 3 sts of round, with black sc 1, with medium brown sc 1, with black sc 1. (72 sc)

Round 9: Repeat Round 7.

Round 10: Repeat Round 6.

Round 11: Repeat Round 5.

Round 12: Work over top of medium brown yarn and begin working over top of light brown yarn also. With black sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Cut medium brown yarn flush (so that no “tail” of yarn is left sticking out).

Rounds 13-14: *With light brown yarn sc 23, with black yarn sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 15: Begin working over top of navy yarn. *With light brown yarn sc 23, with black yarn sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 16: *With light brown sc 2, with black sc 1, [with light brown sc 5, with navy sc 1] repeat pattern in brackets one more time, with light brown sc 5, with black sc 1, with light brown sc 2, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 17: *With light brown sc 1, with black sc 2, [with light brown sc 5, with navy sc 1] repeat pattern in brackets one more time, with light brown sc 5, with black sc 2, with light brown sc 1, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 18: *With black sc 2, with light brown sc 5, with navy sc 3, with light brown sc 3, with navy sc 3, with light brown sc 5, with black sc 3, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 19: *With black sc 1, with light brown sc 6, with navy sc 3, with light brown sc 3, with navy sc 3, with light brown sc 6, with black sc 2, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 20: *With light brown sc 2, with black sc 1, with light brown sc 3, with navy sc 5, with light brown sc 1, with navy sc 5, with light brown sc 3, with black sc 1, with light brown sc 2, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 21: *With light brown sc 1, with black sc 2, with light brown sc 3, with navy sc 5, with light brown sc 1, with navy sc 5, with light brown sc 3, with black sc 2, with light brown sc 1, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 22: *With black sc 2, with light brown sc 9, with navy sc 1, with light brown sc 9, with black sc 3, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 23: *With black sc 1, with light brown sc 10, with navy sc 1, with light brown sc 10, with black sc 2, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 24: *With light brown sc 2, with black sc 1, with light brown sc 7, with navy sc 3, with light brown sc 7, with black sc 1, with light brown sc 2, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 25: *With light brown sc 1, with black sc 2, with light brown sc 7, with navy sc 3, with light brown sc 7, with black sc 2, with light brown sc 1, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 26: *With black sc 2, with light brown sc 7, with navy sc 5, with light brown sc 7, with black sc 3, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 27: *With black sc 1, with light brown sc 8, with navy sc 5, with light brown sc 8, with black sc 2, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 28: *With light brown yarn sc 23, with black yarn sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Cut navy yarn flush.

Rounds 29-30: *With light brown yarn sc 23, with black yarn sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 31: Begin working over top of medium brown yarn. Working over top of both light brown yarn and medium brown yarn, with black sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Cut light brown yarn flush.

Round 32: *With medium brown sc 11, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 33: *With medium brown sc 2, with black sc 1, with light brown sc 5, with black sc 1, with light brown sc 2, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 34: *With medium brown sc 2, with black sc 2, with light brown sc 3, with black sc 2, with light brown sc 2, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 35: *With medium brown sc 2, with black sc 3, with light brown sc 1, with black sc 3, with light brown sc 2, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 36: Repeat Round 34.

Round 37: Repeat Round 33.

Round 38: Repeat Round 32.

Round 39: Working over top of medium brown yarn, with black sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Round 40: Working over top of black yarn, with medium brown sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Cut black yarn flush.

Rounds 41-42: Sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Round 43: Ch 2, *dc in each of next 4 sts, dc2tog, repeat from * around, sl st in first dc of round. (60 dc)

Rounds 44-54 (11 rounds): Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st and in each st around, sl st in first dc of round. (60 dc)

For a finished edge, work one round of sl st.

Fasten off.

Weave in any loose ends of yarn.






With navy, leave a 4 in / 10 cm tail and ch 100. Fasten off, leaving a 4 in / 10 cm tail.

Press bag as flat as possible with your hands. With a yarn needle, thread the chain between Rounds 41 and 42 approximately 8 sts apart.

Pull so that the ends of the chain are even.

Attach 1 short length of navy measuring approximately 4 in / 10 cm to each end of the chain.

Make a knot and trim the yarn to be even.


Repeat 3 more times for a total of 4 ties.





approx. 14 in / 35.5 cm height (with base sitting flat on surface)
approx. 6 in / 15.25 cm diameter at bottom of bag


- worsted weight yarn: reddish brown, black, white

- size G (4mm) crochet hook

- yarn needle (for weaving in ends)

- scissors or other yarn cutting tool


ch = chain

sl st = slip stitch

sc = single crochet

dc = double crochet

dc2tog = double crochet 2 sts together

BLO = Back Loops Only

sts = stitches


When working with two colors, you will be working over the color not being used.

When changing color, finish the last stitch worked in the old color by pulling up a loop of the new color through the last two loops worked.


With white, ch 2. 5 sc into 2nd ch from hook.

Round 1: *2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (10 sc)
Place st marker in last st worked. Move st marker up for each round to keep track of where rounds begin and end.

Round 2: *2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (20 sc)

Round 3: *Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (30 sc)

Round 4: Sc in each st around. (30 sc)

Round 5: *Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (40 sc)

Round 6: Sc in each st around. (40 sc)

Round 7: *Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (50 sc)

Round 8: *Sc in each of next 9 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (55 sc)

Round 9: *Sc in each of next 10 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (60 sc)

Round 10: *Sc in each of next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (70 sc)

Round 11: *Sc in each of next 13 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (75 sc)

Round 12: *Sc in each of next 14 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (80 sc)

Round 13: Begin working over top of black yarn. With white sc in each st around. Pull up a loop of black yarn through the last 2 loops worked. (80 sc)

Begin working Chart 1, right to left, bottom to top and come back to the instructions at Round 32. OR continue with the written instructions.


Round 14: With black sc in each st around. (80)

Round 15: *With black sc 2, with white sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 16: With white sc 1, *with black sc 2, with white sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 17: *With white sc 2, with black sc 2, repeat from * around. (80)

Round 18: With black sc in each st around. (80 sc)

Rounds 19-20: *With white sc 1, with black sc 2, with white sc 6, with black sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Rounds 21-22: *With white sc 1, with black sc 4, with white sc 4, with black sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Rounds 23-24: *With white sc 4, with black sc 4, with white sc 1, with black sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Rounds 25-26: *With white sc 6, with black sc 2, with white sc 1, with black sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Rounds 27-31: Repeat Rounds 14-18. (80 sc)

Rounds 32-33: With white sc in each st around (do not cut black yarn – continue working over the black yarn). (80 sc)

Begin working Chart 2, right to left, bottom to top and come back to the instructions at Round 53. OR continue with the written instructions.


Round 34: With black sc in each st around. (80)

Round 35: *With white sc 1, with black sc 2, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 5 more times, with white sc 1, with black sc 2, with white sc 1, with black sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 36: *With white sc 2, with black sc 3, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 4 more times, with black sc 2, with white sc 2, with black sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 37: *With black sc 1, with white sc 2, with black sc 2, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 4 more times, with black sc 1, with white sc 2, with black sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 38: Begin working over brown yarn in this round. *With black sc 1, with white sc 3, with black sc 3, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 2 more times, with black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 39: *With black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 2 more times, with black sc 1, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, with brown sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 40: *With brown sc 1, with black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 3, with white sc 1, with black sc 3, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, with brown sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 41: *With brown sc 2, with black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, with white sc 1, with black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, with brown sc 3, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 42: *With brown sc 3, with black sc 3, with white sc 2, with black sc 1, with white sc 1, with black sc 1, with white sc 2, with black sc 3, with brown sc 4, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 43: *With brown sc 4, with black sc 11, with brown sc 5, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 44: *With brown sc 3, with black sc 3, with white sc 2, with black sc 1, with white sc 1, with black sc 1, with white sc 2, with black sc 3, with brown sc 4, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 45: *With brown sc 2, with black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, with white sc 1, with black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, with brown sc 3, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 46: *With brown sc 1, with black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 3, with white sc 1, with black sc 3, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, with brown sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 47: *With black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 2 more times, with black sc 1, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, with brown sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 48: *With black sc 1, with white sc 3, with black sc 3, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 2 more times, with black sc 2, with white sc 3, with black sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Cut brown yarn flush (so that no “tail” of yarn is left sticking out).

Round 49: *With black sc 1, with white sc 2, with black sc 2, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 4 more times, with black sc 1, with white sc 2, with black sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 50: *With white sc 2, with black sc 3, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 4 more times, with black sc 2, with white sc 2, with black sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 51: *With white sc 1, with black sc 2, [with white sc 1, with black sc 1] repeat pattern in [ ] 's 5 more times, with white sc 1, with black sc 2, with white sc 1, with black sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (80 sc)

Round 52: With black sc in each st around. (80)

Rounds 53-54: With white sc in each st around. (80)

Round 55: With black sc in each st around. (80)

Cut white yarn flush (so that no “tail” of yarn is left sticking out).

Round 56: Ch 1, *dc in each of next 4 sts, dc2tog, repeat from * to last 2 sts, dc2tog, sl st in top of first dc. (66 dc)

Rounds 57-60 (4 rounds): Dc in same st as sl st from last round, dc in each st around, sl st in top of first dc. (66 dc)

Round 61: This is the eyelet round – the round where you will later thread the drawstring through. Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in next st, *dc in each of next 5 sts, ch 2, skip next 2 sts and dc in next st, repeat from * around, sl st in top of first dc. (50 dc, 8 ch 2 spaces)

Round 62: Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in each dc, 2 dc in each ch-2 space, sl st in top of first dc. (66 dc)

Round 63: Dc in same st as sl st from last round, dc in each st around, sl st in top of first dc. (66 dc)

Work reverse sc around top of bag and fasten off.

Weave in any loose ends of yarn.


Cut 4 lengths of brown yarn, measuring approx. 2 yards each (72 in / 183 cm).

Holding all strands together, make a twisted cord. (You can find tutorials for this online.)

Knot the ends and trim the yarn to be even.

Thread the drawstring through the eyelet round.





approx. 11 in / 28 cm height
approx. 5 in / 12.5 cm diameter at bottom of bag


- worsted weight yarn: brown, black, light grey, red

- size G (4mm) crochet hook

- yarn needle (for weaving in ends)

- scissors or other yarn cutting tool


ch = chain

sl st = slip stitch

sc = single crochet

dc = double crochet

dc2tog = double crochet 2 sts together

BLO = Back Loops Only

sts = stitches


When working with two colors, you will be working over the color not being used.

When changing color, finish the last stitch worked in the old color by pulling up a loop of the new color through the last two loops worked.



With brown, ch 2. 6 sc into 2nd ch from hook. (Optional: crochet over the top of the yarn tail as you go, so that you don't have to weave it in later.)

Round 1: *2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (12 sc)

Place st marker in last st worked. Move st marker up for each round to keep track of where rounds begin and end.

Round 2: *Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (18 sc)

Round 3: *Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (24 sc)

Round 4: *Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (30 sc)

Round 5: *Sc in each of next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (36 sc)

Round 6: *Sc in each of next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (42 sc)

Round 7: *Sc in each of next 6 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (48 sc)

Round 8: *Sc in each of next 7 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (54 sc)

Round 9: *Sc in each of next 8 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (60 sc)

Round 10: *Sc in each of next 9 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (66 sc)

Round 11: *Sc in each of next 10 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 12: Begin working over top of light grey yarn. With brown sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Pull up a loop of light grey yarn through the last 2 loops worked.

Begin working the chart, right to left, bottom to top and come back to the instructions at Round 41. OR continue with the written instructions.

Round 13: Work over top of brown yarn. With light grey sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Rounds 14-15: *With light grey sc 2, with brown sc 2, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 16: Repeat Round 13. (72 sc)

Cut brown yarn flush (so that no “tail” of yarn is left sticking out).

Round 17: Begin working over top of black yarn. With light grey yarn sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Round 18: *With light grey sc 5, with black sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 19: *With light grey sc 4, with black sc 2, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 20: *With light grey sc 3, with black sc 3, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 21: *With light grey sc 2, with black sc 4, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 22: *With light grey sc 1, with black sc 5, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 23: Work over top of light grey yarn. With black yarn sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Cut light grey yarn flush.

Round 24: Begin working over top of red yarn. With black yarn sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Rounds 25-28 (4 rounds): *With black sc 2, with red sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (72 sc)

Round 29: Work over top of red yarn. With black yarn sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Cut red yarn flush.

Round 30: Begin working over top of light grey yarn. With black yarn sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Round 31: *With light grey sc 1, with black sc 5, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 32: *With light grey sc 1, with black sc 4, with light grey sc 1, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 33: *With light grey sc 1, with black sc 3, with light grey sc 2, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 34: *With light grey sc 1, with black sc 2, with light grey sc 3, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 35: *With light grey sc 1, with black sc 1, with light grey sc 4, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 36: Work over top of black yarn. With light grey yarn sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Cut black yarn flush.

Round 37: Begin working over top of brown yarn. With light grey yarn sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Rounds 38-39: *With light grey sc 2, with brown sc 2, repeat from * around. (72 sc)

Round 40: Work over top of brown yarn. With light grey sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Round 41: With light grey sc 2. Move marker (this is the new beginning/end of rounds from here on). Work over top of light grey yarn. With brown sc in each st around. (72 sc)

Cut light grey yarn flush.

Round 42: Sc in each sc around. (72 sc)

Round 43: In this round, work through BLO. Ch 2, *dc in each of next 4 sts, dc2tog, repeat from * around, sl st in top of first dc. (60 dc)

Rounds 44-47 (4 rounds): Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st and in each st around, sl st in top of first dc. (60 dc)

Round 48: This is the eyelet round – the round where you will later thread the drawstring through. Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, *dc in each of next 3 sts, ch 2, skip next 2 sts and dc in next st, repeat from * to last 5 sts, dc in each of next 3 sts, ch 2, sl st in top of first dc. (40 dc, 10 ch-2 spaces)

Round 49: Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in each dc, 2 dc in each ch-2 space, sl st in top of first dc. (60 dc)

Round 50: Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in each st around, sl st in top of first dc. (60 dc)

Work reverse sc around top of bag and fasten off.

Weave in any loose ends of yarn.



Cut 2 lengths of black yarn, measuring 2 yards each (72 in / 183 cm).

Cut 2 lengths of light grey yarn, measuring 2 yards each (72 in / 183 cm).

Holding both strands of the black and both strands of the light grey yarn together, make a twisted cord. (You can find tutorials for this online.)

Knot the end and trim the yarn to be even. On the other end of the cord, attach 2 lengths of black and light grey yarn measuring approximately 4 in / 10 cm each. Make a knot and trim the yarn to be even.

Thread the drawstring through the eyelet round.






approx. 9 in / 23 cm height
approx. 4 in / 10 cm diameter at bottom of bag




- worsted weight yarn: brown, black, white

- size G (4mm) crochet hook

- yarn needle (for weaving in ends)

- scissors or other yarn cutting tool


ch = chain

sl st = slip stitch

sc = single crochet

dc = double crochet

dc2tog = double crochet 2 sts together

BLO = Back Loops Only

sts = stitches



When working with two colors, you will be working over the color not being used.

When changing color, finish the last stitch worked in the old color by pulling up a loop of the new color through the last two loops worked.



With brown, ch 2. 7 sc into 2nd ch from hook.

Round 1: *2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (14 sc)

Place st marker in last st worked. Move st marker up for each round to keep track of where rounds begin and end.

Round 2: *Sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (21 sc)

Round 3: *Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (28 sc)

Round 4: *Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (35 sc)

Round 5: *Sc in each of next 4 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (42 sc)

Round 6: Sc in each st around. (42 sc)

Round 7: *Sc in each of next 5 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (49 sc)

Round 8: *Sc in each of next 6 sts, 2 sc in next st, repeat from * around. (56 sc)

Round 9: Sc in BLO of each st around. (56 sc)

Round 10: Sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Round 11: Begin working over top of black yarn. Sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Pull up a loop of black yarn through the last 2 loops worked.

Round 12: Work over top of brown yarn and begin working over top of white yarn also. With black, sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Cut brown yarn flush (so that no “tail” of yarn is left sticking out).

Begin working the chart, right to left, bottom to top and come back to the instructions at Round 27. OR continue with the written instructions.

Round 13: *With white sc 1, with black sc 7, repeat from * to end of round. (56 sc)

Round 14: *With white sc 2, with black sc 5, with white sc 1, repeat from * to end of round. (56 sc)

Round 15: *With white sc 3, with black sc 3, with white sc 2, repeat from * to end of round. (56 sc)

Round 16: *With white sc 4, with black sc 1, with white sc 3, repeat from * to end of round. (56 sc)

Round 17: With white, sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Round 18: With black, sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Rounds 19-20: *With black sc 2, with white sc 2, repeat from * around. (56 sc)

Round 21: With black, sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Round 22: With white, sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Round 23: *With white sc 4, with black sc 1, with white sc 3, repeat from * around. (56 sc)

Round 24: *With white sc 3, with black sc 3, with white sc 2, repeat from * around. (56 sc)

Round 25: *With white sc 2, with black sc 5, with white sc 1, repeat from * around. (56 sc)

Round 26: *With white sc 1, with black sc 7, repeat from * around. (56 sc)

Round 27: With white, sc 1. Move marker (this is the new beginning/end of rounds from here on). With black, working on top of white yarn and brown yarn, sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Cut white yarn flush.

Round 28: With brown yarn, sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Cut black yarn flush.

Rounds 29-30: Sc in each st around. (56 sc)

Round 31: In this round, work through BLO. Ch 2, *dc in each of next 5 sts, dc2tog, repeat from * around, sl st in top of first dc. (48 dc)

Rounds 32-35 (4 rounds): Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st and in each st around, sl st in top of first dc. (48 dc)

Round 36: This is the eyelet round – the round where you will later thread the drawstring through. Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, *dc in each of next 3 sts, ch 2, skip next 2 sts and dc in next st, repeat from * to last 4 sts, dc in each of next 3 sts, ch 2, sl st in top of first dc. (32 dc, 8 ch 2 spaces)

Round 37: Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in each dc, 2 dc in each ch-2 space, sl st in top of first dc. (48 dc)

Round 38: Ch 2, dc in same st as sl st, dc in each st around, sl st in top of first dc. (48 dc)

Fasten off brown.

With black yarn, work reverse sc around top of bag and fasten off.

With white yarn, go back to the unworked loops of Round 9 and work reverse sc through the unworked loops. Repeat for the unworked loops of Round 31.

Weave in any loose ends of yarn.


Cut 2 lengths of black yarn, measuring 2 yards each (72 in / 183 cm).

Cut 2 lengths of white yarn, measuring 2 yards each (72 in / 183 cm).

Holding both strands of the black and both strands of the white yarn together, make a twisted cord. (You can find tutorials for this online.)

Knot the end and trim the yarn to be even. On the other end of the cord, attach 2 lengths of black and white yarn measuring approximately 4 in / 10 cm each. Make a knot and trim the yarn to be even.

Thread the drawstring through the eyelet round.